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info opinion

The Davenports

"Hi-Tech Lowlife" CD

Mother West

Genres: power pop, indie pop, indie rock

Mother West LLC
132 W 26th St.
New York NY

Jan 10 - 16 2005

Like any good power pop band, The Davenports cram their songs full with irresistible hooks and never let up.  Hi-Tech Lowlife is perfect for chilling, but also entertaining enough to sustain one's full attention.  Scott Klass loves to put together songs with quirky, frequently comical lyrics and offbeat melodies.  On this record, we are confronted by a wide array of strange subject matter - there are songs about a fancy home entertainment system expressly created for watching porn ("Get the guys - come over, Mitch/The frosted curls, black and blue thighs never looked so color-rich") and a girl who acts as the office slut during holiday parties, as well as an ode to Annette O'Toole.  The music is based on quick, infectious choruses, which many of these songs have.  "Melissa Now" and "Annette O'Toole" just pile on the melodies like there's no tomorrow.  Meanwhile, slower tunes "Eric Grey" and "You're the Only Girl for Me" add depth to the record by offering a break from the high-energy pop The Davenports specialize in.  Fortunately, these songs also have a very strong accessibility to them, so the overall flow of Hi-Tech Lowlife is never jeopardized.  Only "You'll Never Know" and "Happy Hour" are letdowns; they feel as if they should be a bit catchier than they are.  Fortunately, they aren't terrible - they just rank lower among some of this record's truly amazing tracks.  As far as pop music goes, Hi-Tech Lowlife is far ahead of most of the attempts I get the pleasure of hearing.  The Davenports make me excited for the future of proud, hook-laden power pop.  More records ought to be this good.


Matt Shimmer

[Vitals: 12 tracks, distributed by the label, released 2004]