steering clear of the mainstream
since 2001

june 2010

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info opinion

The Haywards

"(Scene Missing)" CDR


Genres: indie rock, folk rock, lo-fi

May 3 - 9 2004

There's no question that David Enright, The Haywards' sole member, has a sincere melodic talent.  His previous work with Deltoro and Fudgie and Fufu shows an amazing gift at creating unusual, inventive melodies with seemingly no effort at all.  Deltoro's work, especially, was simply soaking in minor key hooks and unusual concepts.

Now that I've allowed (Scene Missing) to soak in, I'm seeing many similarities here with Enright's previous work.  A lo-fi spirit pervades this album, with low production values and many hometaper concepts.  The melodic aspect of the release is clearly its highlight; in these twelve songs, there are more than enough hooks to go around - and they are often quite original and unconventional.

"Deaf Ears" attracted me right away; it's a distorted recording, with crashing cymbals interfering with the tape's sonic capacity quite a bit - but that's all part of the allure.  In the latter parts of the disc, The Haywards' sound becomes a bit more downtrodden.  "I Didn't Want To Owe You" kicks this off, combining Enright's hushed vocals with a wonderful acoustic guitar plucking background.  It is folk-pop basically, though a bit more abrasive.  "United We're Falling," meanwhile, is absolute bliss - its relatively simple melody is made perfect by way of a gritty, imperfect song atmosphere.  Wow.

I recommend this disc to anyone with a taste for underground, unconventional indie rock.  (Scene Missing) may very well never become boring.


Matt Shimmer

[Vitals: 12 tracks, distributed by the band, released 2003]